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Kambala-A buffalo Race | Complete Review | Coondapur.Com

Kambala (ಕಂಬಳ) is an annual Buffalo Race held traditionally under the auspices of aristocratic 

Bunt Households (Aramane,Beedu,Guthu/Mane) in coastal Karnataka,India.
The Kambala season generally starts in November and lasts until March.Since the last two decades nearly 18 kambalas are held under the banner of Kambala Samithi (Kambala Association).
As of now,more than 45 races are held annually in Coastal Karnataka.

There are multiple opinions on the  origin of  Kambala. Some claim it was  started by kings and some say  farmers started Kambala . The history of Kambala goes to 1000 years ago to the age of kings.  The  traditional Kambala started  as a part of celebrations and entertainment  after a heavy farming work  after the end of rainy season. Over the years it flourished  in to a big sport or  kings , landowners of Tulu naadu ( Tulu region)  and it became  part of the society.   Traditional kamabla is still  in observance in  some part of south Kanara.

Another popular  form of Kamabla also born  which was more like a sport, a race between two pairs of buffalo which is current form of Kambala.  Many kings and rich landlords organized these races and  the final  winner will receive a big amount of money. And today this form of  Kambala is a big event in south Kanara and for many  it is a matter of pride, prestige , glory and money. For spectators  this is  pure entertainment and relaxation after a hardworking  farming days are over during the year before sowing the second round of crops.


Kambala is traditionally a simple sport. The 'track' used for Kambala is a paddy field filled with slush. The contest generally takes place between two pairs of buffaloes, controlled by a whip-lashing farmer.In olden days, the winning pair of buffaloes was rewarded with coconuts and a bunch of plantains. However, Kambala today has become an organised,professional sport. People place massive bets on the buffaloes to win and one can witness more than 20,000 spectators in a well-organised Kambala, egging on and cheering the buffaloes to complete the race.

Modern Kamabala
Early days one track( kare, ಕರೆ)  is used  for the race but from past 50 years  double track ( ಜೋಡು ಕರೆ ) is in use  for the  races. But single track is also in use for traditional Kambala in some regions  for conducting  time based races and training .
A runner will make a pair of Buffaloes run on a track of muddy water. The runner will be driving those buffaloes all along the race. The time is  recorded or  he gets   another competitor  on the other track to decide who is best  .

Kambala   has got different categories as every other sport in the world.
Negilu( ನೇಗಿಲು : Plough)  category:  The runner will hold the  plough ( it is not actual plough which is heavy and bulky, it is just a representation of  which is tied to pair of buffalo. This type is mostly for the Junior buffaloes or entry level buffaloes. But there is again a junior , senior rounds  in this race.

  1. Hagga ( ಹಗ್ಗ: rope)  category : A rope is directly tied to the buffalo pair. And this is for  Senior buffaloes  as the speed is more here and the participating buffaloes are well experienced. This also has a Junior, senior levels.
  2. Adda halage( ಅಡ್ಡ ಹಲಗೆ: cross wooden block ) category : A cross wooden plank is tied to the pair and the runner  stands on it while racing. This is just  for the senior category.
  3. Kane halage (ಕಣೆ  ಹಲಗೆ: round wooden block)    : A round wooden block where the runner  stands on it on his single leg. There will be two holes in the block out of which the water forces out while running. The height of the water forcing out is measured to choose the winner. The more the speed is more the water height is. And this is only for senior most category.
The buffaloes.
These are  water buffaloes widely used for domestic purposes and  they are farmer’s true friends in south Karnataka. They are even worshipped and are part of farmer’s family. Racing buffaloes are  male and  like warriors, specially trained.

The training of buffaloes.
To train the racing buffaloes, owners build a track near their  home and make them run daily . The owners feed them with most nutritious  foods. During races they even get fruits like apples , oranges . They get special massages , some body treatments as well. Before the race owners are allowed to train on the actual racing track on which they are going to compete.

The runner
These are also specially trained people and one can easily spot them in the crowd. They are handsome, nicely shaped and very athletic . As one can guess they are like a sport persons. The owners hire them for the year and ask them to run all of their pairs of buffaloes. One runner might get multiple deals from different owners depending on his popularity. A good runner paid heavily and if he wins the bonus is also paid. Currently the deal goes 2 lakhs ( $4500) per year for a   reputed runner to participate in all of the kambalas.

The locality
A good paddy field with lots ware availability nearby is considered as ideal for Kambala track.  There should be enough space for spectators, shops , race officials to sit, hotels  around the track. Easy access to the location is also considered for deciding the track location. Some places the tracks are maintained by landlords over the generations.

 There is no fixed rule for size of the track but it also depends on the availability of the space on the locality .Normally  it is  between  120 meters to 145 meters long and 8-12 meters wide.  There is a thick layer of mud and then water on it. The thumb rule is water is filled in the track  so that  it completely contains the mud( close to 1ft) .  The tracks are called by name so it is  easy for communication. In the middle of the track there are two strips of  white cloth  tied across the track  which are used as height measurements for Kane halage ( round wooden block) races. One gauge is at  9.375 meters ( called 7 1/2 kolu :ಕೋಲು ) which is the highest  and the other one is at 8.125 meters (  called 6 1/2 kolu :ಕೋಲು) .

The time
Kamabla is  conducted in several parts of two districts Udupi and Mangalore  from November  to March. It is conducted always on a weekend so that it is  possible for every participant to attend all the Kambalas .

The management
There is a Kambala association for the  two districts( Udupi and Dakshina Kannada)  and there is written rules and regulations for conducting Kambala events. Each year before the season starts the members meet and decide the 15 Kambala dates . There are associations  for each  major Kambala locations which manage these events .

And the race begins
The Buffaloes are brought  to Kambala place on a vehicle along with 5-6  people  who maintain them and  help in the ” launch” of the buffaloes.

All the teams will   tent around the track. The  buffaloes are worshipped  first and tied together by expert before the race begins. ( Maintaining a right amount of gap between them is very important. Small gap results in accidents or falling down and a big gap makes buffaloes go out of control)
When  the event begins  the buffaloes were brought in by walking down the track with the accompaniment of drum beats (dolanalike) .

First round starts by  eliminating  the slowest  pairs. This is done by time counting method.  The competing team gets ready , with  runner holding the plough or the rope and other members making the buffaloes stand  near the start line.  With everything in correct position runner start petting  the beasts with a nicely decorated  cane initiating the “launch” .Time is calculated to reach the finish line in case of single race.  But if it is race between two pairs it takes longer, sometimes   15-20 minutes to make both  buffalo pairs stand near the start line as they  have to be  launched  simultaneously.

Once the race is over the buffaloes get a nice fresh water wash and a good rest before the next race if they are not yet eliminated!

The speed and the power of  those big animals are just treat to your eyes. The spilling colored  water, the big black beasts , the runner and the screaming crowd  takes you to a different world. One might be  surprised  to see such a harmless, slow and  water loving animal can show tremendous amount of power and speed.

One can easily guess the cost involved in ,  right from training buffaloes , hiring runner , transporting to different locations, food and lunch for the buffaloes and the people  is  more than the prize if  they win. And of course there very few winners. So there is no business case in this.

Kambala  is  an event full of happenings , for some it is life, for some it is pride, glory passion and prestige . Some treat this as their war of life .For some it is loosing money,  loosing life but for some it is like hitting jackpot. Some earn money but some loose.  Many families gather and unite at Kambala  but some break because of Kambala. Many make friends and some make foes too. Friends turn enemies and enemies turn friends. Kamabla is pure culture and tradition for south kanara.

Opposition by Animal Lovers

Kambala has been criticised by animal lovers as inhumane and barbaric due to use of whips on the participating buffaloes.
 Noted animal-rights activist, Mrs. Maneka Gandhi has expressed serious concerns about the ill treatment of buffaloes during the race. Kambala organisers, on their part, contend that if whips are not used on the buffaloes, they may not participate properly in the race. However, no one in Coastal Karnataka is overtly bothered about excessive whipping and Kambala still continues to attract massive crowds in places where it is held.


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