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Kundapura :‘Beragu-2013′-A Dist. level Inter college competition held by SFI

Kundapura, Dec 16 2013:
’Students Federation of India’(SFI) has taken an initiative with an effort to introduce a theme of ‘Practice and Fight’ from the beginning. This will create an healthy and true environment  for the welfare of the students and this has been proved by the SFI. ‘Beragu-2013′ is a wonderful vedike organized by SFI which will keep the students away from the unhealthy competition” said Kundapur Municipality president Smt.Kalavathi U.S. She was addressing at a prize distribution programme of ‘Beragu-2013′ organized by SFI at Vyasaraj Art Auditorium on Monday.

“It helps the students to become creative when they start showing more interest in their studies and at the same time they should show more involvement in their studies” said businessman Dattanand Gangulli. He distributed the prizes to the winners of the competitions.

Insurance Employees Union Udupi division Gen.Secretary Gurudatt addressing the programme said “Students should find out social injustice by themselves and try for the unity of the people belonging to all the religions”.

SFI state vice president Jagadish Surya addressing the programme said “The politicians are not talking about the Students problems like school Donations,hostel and washroom facilities in the schools and colleges. Students life is being decided by the politicians. Today politics means,people are getting hesitated. It is possible for the students to fight against such problems when they increase their knowledge in cultural activities and politics. SFI is standing in the front in this regard. Let such programmes become helpful to get more support for SFI” he said.

So many college teams from Udupi district presented their talent in classical dance,Janapada dance,classical songs,short music,mimicry,fancy dress,yakshagana,speeches in the provided limited 30 minutes of time. Best Direction prize was won by Basruru Sharada college and the runners up prizes went to Tekkatte and Kambhadakone colleges. Certificates were issued to all the participants in the competition. SMS college Brahmavar has won the first prize of the competition. Venkatramana college stood second and Bidkalkatte college won the third ‘Beragu-2013′ prizes.

Cultural programme president B.M.Nasir presided over the closing ceremony. SFI Taluk president Ganeshdas, Secretary Shrikanth Hemmady, Aafreen Begum, Meenakshi, DYFI leaders Rajesh Vaderahobli were present on the stage. Akshaya proposed vote of thanks. Suresh Kalpagar compered the programme.