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Why did Nathuram Godse kill Gandhi?

According to the book he wrote while he was serving his sentence in jail, he justified his killing of Gandhi. He wrote that he actually admired Gandhi since his childhood. He really appreciated Gandhi for the freedom moment. But he did not like one thing about Gandhi. When Pakistan wanted to divide from India for political benefits of a few leaders, although majority of people of the nation did not like it, Gandhi supported and eventually got the whole country divided into two.

That was not all. Jinnah wanted 50 thousand crore rupees from India for Pakistan's development (I'm not sure about the exact figure). Now this was something none from India liked but Gandhi again pressed for issuing the money and he succeeded. That crossed the limit of tolerance for Godse, and he took the decision to kill Gandhi. He killed, but he did not run away. He surrendered. Even after killing, Godse admired Gandhi for the other good things he did for the country.
I think people in India are misled by always showing them one side of the coin by certain politicians. Also, we have totally forgotten the real heroes (I don't mean Gandhi wasn't a hero, he was) who struggled a lot for independence and lost their lives. 

SOURCE: By NIRMALYA in http://in.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20120130041853AAObz25
[IMAGES via enewspaperofindia.com and Gandhigodse.blogspot.in]


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