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Holy Rosary Church-Kundapura | Full details Via Coondapur.com

Kundapura known as Barcelore in History. Holy Rosary Church, is established 1682. In 1982 the parishioners has celebrated Tri Centenary remarks it long spiritual life of Christianity. The parish was founded by Ver. Rev. Fr. Joseph Vaz, who is beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1998. Kundapura parish dedicated to Our Lady of Rosary, has inspired life of her lovers around Kundapura Christianity. Church located on western side of City, where you can experience beauty of Nature. Back of Church a beautiful Panchagagavli river is flowing.

Kundapura Parish is head to Kundapura Zone and have 10 member catholics
church's from Byndoor to Sastan. Chirstianity gowned Parish faithful people has divided into three parish Basrur, Thallur, Pius Nagar.The parish have association through the parishioners serving the poor, needy and week people's. In that St. Vincent De Paul Society is one great society. There are different activities going on throughout the year by youths association like Catholic Youth Association.

 Mother's are receiving more morals from Christian Women Sodality. Children also grow in spirit of God to serving in the Altar Boy Sodality. To give more meaning to the cultural and sport activities Catholic Welfare Association is playing a great role.To live a holy life as their patron St. Francis Assisi, parishioners gathering in the Secular Third Ordination. Catholic Sabha shown it's remarkable service to Parish as well to Zone. Religious Sisters from Apostolic Carmelite serving since so many year from St. Joseph Convent. They also run inspiringly St. Joseph's High School and St. Joseph's Hr. Pry. School. In addition to this an oldest orphanage in Diocese St. Joseph. More than 125 year old popularly known as "Church School" rendering its services to a lot's students' now called St. Mary's Hr Pry School. In 1964 this Scholl elaborated with St. Mary's High School, which is very popular for good result and curriculum activities. Since 1997 there also Holy Rosary English Medium School has been started.

In this parish the several enthusiastic parish priest and Asst. parish priest has be served since church was founded. Most of them developed this parish with their good ideas. In 1963 Rev. Fr. L. S. Pais had structured with new building. He has used a very normal strategy with parish members that decorate with modern and without any elegance. Inside there was only one Big Cross except that there were no single statues of any Saints. Down of cross the stacking statue of last suffers was attracting. One left side of Altar Holy Tabernacle is located.

The Station of Cross were created with big pictures and sticking statues in side walls. Mostly in that time Mangalorean Churches were built with in between support pillars that shows as old structure. However, Kundapura Church ceilling was fully supported with welded iron rods and no pillars in between. So that while ceremonies faithful people could offer their spirituality to looking the altar exactly. In great time of Tri Centenary Celebration of Church Rev. Fr. Jacob Crasta in memory of this great event, constitute Patron statue of Our Lady of Rosary one right side of Altar.
But 1995 Rev. Fr. Stany B. Lobo's has renovated same church building with his new ideas. In Altar has been decorated with tiles, tabernacle derived with new wooden style, plastering work whole wall, brought all the Saint statues inside the church, erected our Lady of Rosary Statue in front of church tomb.

Parishioner's living their life with harmony with other communities.
We practice our faith under the able spiritual guidance of Parish Priest Most Rev. Fr. J. B. Crasto, Asst. PP and dedicated ex clergies of this parish. Our community, bound by loving and inseparable ties to Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, congregates in worship and to share our faith in numerous, diverse ways. The ever-dynamic Zone of Kundapur's 11 parishes are ever eager to give generously of their time, energy and talents, for the greater Glory of God and the growth of our faith. And, as we stand on the threshold of a new millennium, The Jubilee 2000, we join with the Church all over the world in an unending celebration of Jesus Christ!

The Parish Priest
Holy Rosary Church, Church Road
Kundapura - 576 201,

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