Aloe Vera: The Wonder Plant
By: William Grimm
Everyone wants to look young and stay young. "Wow! You look too young for your age!" - This is the comment that everyone wants to hear at least once during life time. It is certainly impossible if you sit in a penance and wait for the Gods to appear before you and bestow you with perpetual youth. It is up to you to care for your appearance. If there is anything that can make you look younger than your actual age, it is Aloe. Aloe Vera, or Aloe as it is commonly known, is a magical plant that is capable of repairing your aged skin cells and reversing the ageing process of the skin. This might seem to be an overstatement for some who has no idea about this magical plant. The benefits availed by using Aloe Vera are scientifically proven by both scientists and medical researchers.Here is a crux of what this wonder plant does. When a baby is born, he/she has a lot of collagen in their skin cells. Collagen is the substance that gives elasticity to the skin. It is this elasticity that makes the skin look young. As a baby grows to be an adult, the amount of collagen starts to reduce. Thereby, the skin loses its elasticity. Moreover, skin renewal does not happen, as a result of which age reflects on your skin. When a person uses Aloe Vera's gel, the gel penetrates itself into the skin cells, and stimulates the development of collagen. Thereby, your skin's ageing process gets reversed and aged cells get rejuvenated.
[IMAGE via Biyanigirlscollege]
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